Why is it important to know I am familiar with Christianity?

While I specialize in faith deconstruction and the fall out that can produce existential and general anxiety, I also work with folx who identify as Christian. I offer safe space to explore, to seek, to sit with your faith of origin or wherever you are on your journey—which could be remaining in your faith or church. I follow your lead with your religious and other identities or beliefs, and honor all of it. I also incorporate consent into my work with clients—as many never had the opportunity to request or were asked for their consent when addressing uncomfortable topics. Everything in therapy is based on you and what you consent to, which is rooted in human dignity and respect regardless of differing beliefs.

I have found that Christianity has become very removed from its origins of
love, acceptance, and wholeness;
especially in how it has developed here in the West*. I see Jesus as an amazing teacher,
with a desire to be with the least of these, not motivated by materialism, focused on
connection—someone truly present to the human experience in all its glory and pain.

While I have a background in evangelical Christianity and I can support you if that is your belief system, I do not hold to that dualistic mindset any longer and am happy to support you if you are seeking clarity or spiritual understanding within or without this organized approach to faith.

If you are not interested in discussing religion or spirituality, I am here for that, too. I get it personally and professionally. You do not have to have an upbringing or experience with Christianity to work with me.

But if you do, it can be such a scary, isolating, and overwhelming experience to walk away from a belief system, a community, and even family members who make you choose between THIS and THAT… but what does THAT entail? What if you are certain that you don’t want THIS anymore, how do you explain the pain, internal disconnect, and the knowing that THIS is not for you going forward?

Guess what? You don’t have to KNOW what the next thing is, especially in the absence of KNOWING that where you’ve been is no longer where you belong.

But here is the good news, you do belong—right here, in the weird and discombobulating space of unknowing,
not knowing, and in the midst of unlearning.

If you are noticing an interior shift with your beliefs—I can hold the space and inhabit the discomfort with you.

You do not have to journey alone.

* Resource for further information on the development of Western Christianity: Karen Armstrong and her interview on Fresh Air accessed here. Karen has published several books delving into comparative religion and tracking the development of Christianity, and other religions such as Islam and Judaism, as they shifted throughout history, have shaped world history, and current events. Her TED talks can be found here.

* * Disclaimer: We get so much value out of believing something bigger than ourselves and living in community with others who are like-minded. The trouble comes with groups that are high controlled, insular, and have skewed definitions of respect, consent, and love. My goal is to offer another lens to access the sacred—especially for those who have been harmed by an organized group or religion. More information on spiritual abuse, particularly on the Western, Christian church, here.